Learning Center

In The Spotlight
He's Going for a Three-Peat
Vincent Lopez, a customer at NUTRISHOP Brea, is starting his third Transformation Challenge. He won the last two.

Science & Supplements
Fiber and Fat Loss
Afraid of carbs? You’re not alone! Pop media has stuffed our brains with the idea that carbs make us fat, but what underlies this myth?
The reality is that high-sugar foods don’t have many nutrien...

Weight Loss
Can I Lose 10 Pounds in One Week?
Help! I need to lose weight, and I need to do it, STAT! Is it possible or safe to lose 10 pounds in one week?

Weight Loss
Break the Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle for Good
The number one reason why yo-yo dieting happens is that dieters don't treat dieting as a lifestyle change.

Weight Loss
Banish Belly Fat
Bathing suit season is coming and if your quarantined midsection has you thinking you’ll skip the pool parties this year, there’s hope.

Nutrition & Recipes
5 Foods That Fight Fat
Add these foods to your next grocery shopping list and start reaping the fat-blasting, metabolism-boosting benefits!

Fitness & Workouts
30 Days To a Slimmer You
Use proper diet, cardio, and core exercises to trim two inches off your waist this month!

Weight Loss
3 Ways to Track Weight-Loss Progress
Here are three ways to track your progress for your big “after” reveal.

Weight Loss
Why Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Quick weight loss may feel nice, but what is the overall cost in the end? Here's why you should take it slow.